Monitoring REST API Documentation v1.0.10 BETA

Table of Content


Date Change New version
2020-12-08 Fix parameters in mime type caused 415 error. API did not accept the Content-type with value ‘application/; charset=utf-8‘. Now application assumes that posted content is always UTF-8 and if there is any parameters then they are ignored. v1.0.11
2019-12-09 Removed deprecated single subscription and unsubscription in favour of bulk subscriptions and bulk unsubscriptions v1.0.10
2019-11-25 Added possibility to create portfolio through web interface. v1.0.9
2019-11-25 New feature: Added web interface so the API is also usable with browser. v1.0.9
2019-11-14 Deprecated methods subject subscription and subject unsubscription in favour of bulk subscriptions and bulk unsubscriptions. v1.0.8
2019-11-14 Deprecated allowing to add subscription end date.
2019-10-28 Refine events in portfolio documentation. Only events registered up to yesterday are exposed. v1.0.7
2019-10-24 New feature: multiple unsubscriptions at once. v1.0.7
2019-10-18 New feature: list of available event types. v1.0.6
2019-09-29 New feature: natural person monitoring. v1.0.5
2019-09-28 Change representations of subjects in portfolio. Previous representation was list of subscriptions. Now there is a list of subjects and subscription info is in subfield. v1.0.4
2019-09-26 Added portfolio synchronization v1.0.3



This is a technical documentation of a Creditinfo Eesti AS monitoring service API.

Sample use case

Client makes a portfolio:

    POST /mon/portfolios
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

    {"name":"My first portfolio"}
Client wants to add subject under monitoring.
    POST {portfolioUri}/subjects/subscriptions
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Client wants to remove subject from monitoring:
    POST {portfolioUri}/subjects/unsubscriptions
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Client asks the events of portfolio in given period:
    GET {portfolioUri}/events?from=2019-11-24&to=2019-11-24
    Accept: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Web interface

This API is also accessible by human using browser.

The entry point lists resources where user can start to navigate and discover the services this API provides.

This feature expands the accessibility and usability of the service. The service can be taken into usage without waiting until developers finish integration. Also some features (like creation of portfolio) might not be feasible to integrate into system if they are needed only once. Data analysts has direct access to the data if needed.

Most important, there is always a backup way to access the service in case integrated solution fails.



  1. user must be a registered client
  2. service provider must have issued an username and password
  3. service provider must have granted access to the interface
  4. Optional: service provider must have granted permission to process natural persons' data


The purpose of this API is to expose resources. Resources are things (like data) and also processes. Processes are asynchronous and will have a URI as a unique identifier that might be used to query the status of a process.

Every resource has a representation. Representation can be in different formats. For example the event can be in JSON, XML or in HTML. There is no default format (representation) in order to provide best backward compatibility. Client must always specify in which format he or she wants the resource (see Accept field in header).


There is a test environment for developers. Test environment URL is

Service provider will create a sample portfolio with a subject which has events so developers can test the requesting of events. If you request portfolios from test server and you can not see sample portfolio contact with the service provider and ask to add one.

This sample portfolio will be regenerated every night and therefore will have different portfolio URI. One way to get the portfolio URI quickly is by using curl:

$ curl --user USERNAME:PASSWORD -H "Accept: application/"

Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD accordingly.


Client must be abel to handle HTTP redirects when querying resource.

All posted data must be in UTF-8 encoding.


API uses HTTP Basic Authentication. This means that username and password must be joined, base64 encoded and added into HTTP header.

For example if whe have a username 1234 and password secret then we have to merge them using colon as separator: 1234:secret. The new string must be encoded using base64 and the result is MTIzNDpzZWNyZXQ=. The request for these credentials must look like this:

    POST /
    Authorization: Basic MTIzNDpzZWNyZXQ=

Because API is using always HTTPS the header with password is always encrypted and kept secret.

This API uses URI-s as a resource identification and same URI can be accessed using browser. Browser can recognize this authentication schema and can ask to enter username and password.* The purpose of this approach is to allow to consume service without specific integration. For example for representing data in HTML format as-is, for debugging, or for one time export. Usually for simple use cases it is not reasonable to make an integration.

*Currently this feature does not work because there is no representation for resources in HTML format. It will will be added if there is a demand for it.

Quick way to check if login credentials are working:

   $ curl --user "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -H "Accept: application/" -I

Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD. In response look for the response code in HTTP response header (this is why -I is important in curl command). This tells if request was success or not.

Error handling

API re-uses HTTP status codes. Most common error codes are:

Error handling must be based on HTTP codes. Error handling must not be base on parsing response body. There are a lot of things that might go wrong before the request reaches to the Monitoring API (connection lost, server crashed, etc) and the response might not be generated by API. Using HTTP status code in response for checking the success or failure is more robust way.

When client has detected that the response is not success then next step is to check Content-Type. If it is application/ then the response contains error message in JSON format:

        "message":"lorem ipsum"

where message contains the error message.

Near future development plan:



Portfolio is a collection of subjects. One client can have zero to many portfolios.


    POST /mon/portfolios

Creation of private portfolio for authenticated user.

Sample request:

    POST /mon/portfolios
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

    {"name":"My first portfolio"}

Sample response:

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created


Returned Location is the identification of newly created portfolio. It is called portfolio URI and referred in this documentation as portfolioUri. Store portfolio URI as it is and do not parse it. It can be changed in future.

TIP! Portfolios can be created through web interfaces. Go to the entry point and navigate to portfolios. Usually it is not feasible to create API integration for this because it is one time task.

User's portfolios

    GET /mon/portfolios

Information about current user's portfolios.

Sample request:

    GET /mon/portfolios
    Accept: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Sample response:

      "portfolios": [
          "id": "https:\/\/\/mon\/portfolios\/xf2sdf""
          "name": "This is my first portfoli",
          "id": "https:\/\/\/mon\/portfolios\/yKD224"
          "name": "This is my second portfoli",


    POST {portfolioUri}/synchronizations

Synchronize portfolio with given subject codes. Subjects that are in request and are not in portfolio will be subscribed. Subject that are in portfolio but are not in request will be unsubscribed.

Request is asynchronous and carried out later. Client can check later if synchronization was finished successfully.

Sample request (subjects in JSON format):

    POST {portfolioUri}/synchronizations
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

    ["10256137", "10000000", "47101010033"]

Sample request (subjects as text):

    POST {portfolioUri}/synchronizations
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx


Sample response

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created

In the response header field Location is the created synchronization process URI ({processId}). Use this URI to query the status of process.

Sample request:

    GET {processId}
    Accept: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Currently process can have a status: queued, finished or failed.

Sample response if process is still queued

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/


Sample response if process is finished successfully

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/


Sample response if process failed

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/

    {"status":"failed","message":"Failure reason"}


    POST {portfolioUri}/deletion

Sample request:

    POST {portfolioUri}/deletion
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Sample response:

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created


Subject is a natural person or company in portfolio. Adding a subject into portfolio is called subscribing. One subject can be subscribed into different portfolios.

Subjects in portfolio

    GET {portfolioUri}/subjects

Sample request:

    GET {portfolioUri}/subjects
    Accept: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Sample response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/

        "subjects": [
                "id": "",
                "code": "10256137",
                "active": true,
                "subscriptions": [
                         "begin": "2019-01-01",
                         "end": null
                "id": "",
                "code": "0000000",
                "active": false,
                "subscriptions": [
                        "begin": "2019-01-01",
                        "end": "2019-09-01"

The result is a JSON list of subjects.

If active field is true then the subject is currently subscribed and under monitoring.

One subject can be subscribed several times but one subject can have not more than one active subscription at a time. The subscription field holds an array of subscriptions start and end dates ie the periods the subject has been monitored. If end is null then it means the subscription is still active and subject is not unsubscribed yet.

Multiple subscriptions at once

    POST {portfolioUri}/subjects/subscriptions

Add many subject at once into portfolio.

Sample request (subjects as list of JSON):

    POST {portfolioUri}/subjects/subscriptions
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

    ["10256137", "10000000", "47101010033"]

Sample request (subjects as text file):

    POST {portfolioUri}/subjects/subscriptions
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx


Sample response:

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created


Multiple unsubscriptions at once

    POST {portfolioUri}/subjects/unsubscriptions

Unsubscribe all subjects listed in request.

All subjects that are already unsubscribed will be skipped. No error message is returned in such case. Also are skipped subject that are not in portfolio at all.

Sample request (subjects as list of JSON):

    POST {portfolioUri}/subjects/unsubscriptions
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

    ["10256137", "10000000", "47101010033"]

Sample request (subjects as text file):

    POST {portfolioUri}/subjects/unsubscriptions
    Content-Type: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx


Sample response:

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created

201 means unsubscription process was created and subjects will be unsubscribed.


Event is some change of subject's data.

Events in portfolio

    GET {portfolioUri}/events

All events registered about subjects in a portfolio. API exposes events registered up to yesterday.

Events can be filtered by using query parameters. Query parameters are optional. Allowed query parameters:

Name Description
from events that are registered at given date or after.
to events that are registered at given date or before. Maximum meaningful value can be yesterday.

Note that filtering is based on the events registration date in system, not based on an actual date an event occurred.

Sample request:

    GET {portfolioUri}/events
    Accept: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Sample response:

      "events": [
          "subjectCode": "10256137",
          "type": "13",
          "typeName": "this is some name",
          "occurredOn": "2019-01-02",
          "registeredAt": "2019-01-03T05:02:00",
          "content": "Aadressi muutus: Kannikese 10-1 Tallinn 1023 -> Aasa 101-3 Tallinn 10111",
          "subjectCode": "10256137",
          "type": "13",
          "typeName": "this is some name",
          "occurredOn": "2019-01-02",
          "registeredAt": "2019-01-03T05:02:00",
          "content": "Aadressi muutus: Kannikese 10-1 Tallinn 1023 -> Aasa 101-3 Tallinn 10111"

Sample request with query parameter:

    GET {portfolioUri}/events?from=2019-01-02&to=2019-01-03
    Accept: application/
    Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx

Event types

    GET /mon/events/types

All available event types.

Sample request:

    GET /mon/events/types
    Accept: application/

Sample response:

      "eventTypes": [
          "type": "1",
          "name": [
              "et": "Ärinime muutus",
              "en": "Change of business name"
          "type": "10",
          "name": [
               "et": "Maksehäire tekkimine",
               "en": "Appearance of payment default"
This method can represent response also in HTML format. Therefore it is accessible through browser.