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= Introduction =
{| align="right"
| [[Image:Flag of Estonia.svg|border|30px]] [[Maksehäirete_lisamine_ja_uuendamine_registris_läbi_krediidihalduse|eesti keeles]]

Payment defaults can be updated by means of Krediidiinfo’s credit management service. To do that, Sale Ledger statements should be regularly sent to credit management, and an individual agreement as to when they should be sent is made with each customer.

You can send the Sales Ledger to credit management as an XML file of the format specified by the following schema: [].
= Introduction =  
NB! Pankade jaoks on loodud oma XML skeem: []
= Krediidihalduse andmete sünkroniseerimise põhimõtted =

Payment defaults can be updated by means of Creditinfo’s credit management service. To do that, Sale Ledger statements should be regularly sent to credit management, and an individual agreement as to when they should be sent is made with each customer.

Krediidihaldusesse tuleb saata infot vaid maksmata arvete kohta. Maksmata arvete koondsaldo näitabki deebitori saldot ning arvetest saab järeldada võla vanust. Need ongi põhilised andmed millel põhineb krediidihaldus. Makstud arved saldod ei muuda ning seepärast ei oma need krediidihalduse jaoks tähtsust.
* You can send the Sales Ledger to credit management as an XML file of the format specified by the following schema - The ''debtors_info_ver2
* A separate XML schema has been created for banks - bank_debtors_payments_ver3'

Sõltuvalt krediidihalduse pakutavatest teenusest võib krediidihaldusesse saadetavaid deebitorite andmeid piirata veel lisaks võla vanusega. Näiteks kui on krediidihaldusega kokkulepe, et kasutatakse ainult maksehäireregistris andmete uuendamise teenust, siis võib krediidihaldusesse saata infot vaid nende deebitoride kohta, kellel on võlgnevused vanemad kui 45 päeva. Deebitorid, kelle võla vanus ei ole 45 päeva, ei ole krediidihaldusele vaja. Saadetavate andmete piiramisega väheneb saadetava faili maht ja andmete importimise kiirus.
= The ''debtors_info_ver2'' format =

* [ XML schema]
* [[debtors_info_ver2_mhr_example.xml]] - sample debtor data file. <br/>
* [[Debtors info ver2.png | debtors info ver2.png]] - diagram of the structure of the XML file containing debtors’ data.

Krediidihaldusesse importimisel uuendatakse andmebaasis deebitori arvete saldosid. Need arved, mis enne importi olid maksmata kuid mille kohta sisendfailis info puudus, loetakse makstuks ning saldo märgitakse nulliks. Seega ei ole vaja krediidihaldust teavitada sellest kui mõni arve tasuti. Lihtsalt tuleb teha väljavõte maksmata arvete (ka ettemaksudest, et koondsaldo arvutataks õigesti) hetkeseisust. Selline lähenemine on kliendi jaoks lihtsam (ei ole eelmisest ekspordist vaja midagi meeles pidada) ning viimane sisendfail fail parandab alati kõik andmed krediidihalduses õigeks (andmed ei lähe sünkroonist välja).

The ''/debtors/debtor/additional_data'' tag value with the ''additional_data_name="contract_no"'' attribute is used to add a payment default to the Credit register. The Credit Register also requires the number of the contract that was breached by the outstanding payment to be entered.

If the amounts are stated in euros, the sums referring to the period before the moment the euro came into use will be replaced by Estonian kroons at the rate of 15.6466 kroons to euro. If amounts are still sent in Estonian kroons after the change to the euro, kroons will be substituted with euros at the same rate, so the customer can choose when to start sending the data in euros.

= Formaat ''debtors_info'' =
= The ''bank_debtors_payments_ver3'' format =

* [ XML skeem]
This format is meant to be used by banks to forward data to credit management. The difference between ''bank_debtors_payments_ver3'' and ''debtors_info'' lies in the fact that the former is not based on invoices.  
* [[debtors_info_mhr_example.xml]] - näidisfail deebitoride andmetega. <br/>
* [[Debtors info.png | debtors info.png]] - deebitoride andmete XML faili struktuuri diagramm.

Märgendi ''/debtors/debtor/additional_data'' atribuudiga ''additional_data_name="contract_no"'' väärtust kasutatakse maksehäire lisamisel registrisse. Maksehäireregistri nõuete järgi tuleb maksehäire juurde lisada ka lepingu number, mille kohustuse mittetäitmisel maksehäire tekkis.
* [ XML schema]
* [[bank_debtors_payments_ver3_mhr_example.xml]] - sample debtor data file. <br/>
* [[Bank debtors payments ver3.png | bank debtors payments ver3.png]] - diagram of the structure of the XML file containing debtors’ data.  

Kui summad on eurodes, siis teisendatakse need kuni eurole ülemineku hetkeni Eesti kroonideks kursiga 15.6466 krooni ühe euro eest. Kui pärast eurole üleminekut saadetakse ikkagi summasid eesti kroonides, siis teisendatakse sama kursiga kroonid euordeks. Seega võivad kliendid ise valida hetke, millal hakata andmeid saatma eurodes.
If the currency rate is not set in attributes of the ''/debtors/debtor/overdue_payments'' tag, the rate of 15.6466 kroons to euro is used and currency conversions are performed if necessary.

= Formaat ''bank_debtors_info_ver2'' =
= Forwarding the files =

Formaat on mõeldud pankadele andmete edastamiseks krediidihaldusesse. ''bank_debtors_info_ver2'' erineb ''debtors_info'' formaadist selle poolest, et ei ole arvepõhine.
Files can be sent to Creditinfo by means of the [[KiDocExchange]] SOAP interface.  

* [ XML skeem]
* [[bank_debtors_info_ver2_mhr_example.xml]] - näidisfail deebitoride andmetega. <br/>
* [[Bank debtors info ver2.png | bank debtors info ver2.png]] - deebitoride andmete XML faili struktuuri diagramm.

The format of the name of the file to be sent to Creditinfo must be the following:
Kui märgnedi ''/debtors/debtor/balances'' atribuutides ei ole määratud valuuta kurssi, siis võetakse kursiks 15.6466 krooni ühe euro eest ning tehakse vajadusel valuuta teisendused.
= Failide edastamine =
Faile saab Krediidiinfole edastada [[KiDocExchange]] SOAP liidese kaudu.
Krediidiinfosse saadetava faili nimi peab olema kujul:


* <initials> - the initials of the company, for example, ki for Creditinfo. <i>ki</i>.
* <id> - the unique ID of the file in the sender’s system by which the sent file can be identified, for example, the time when the file was generated. 
* <extension> - the extension of the file to be sent (XML or ZIP). We recommend compressing the files to be sent.

* <initsiaalid> - ettevõtte initsiaalid. Näiteks Krediidiinfo pohul <i>ki</i>.
* <id> - faili saatja süsteemis unikaalne id, millega saab saadetud faili identifitseerida. Võib olla ka näiteks faili genereerimise aeg.
* <laiend> - saadetud faili laiend. XML või ZIP. Saadetud faile on soovitav pakkida.
Näide 1: Krediidiinfo AS saadetav fail

Example 1: a file to be sent to Creditinfo Eesti AS


Latest revision as of 17:24, 12 December 2018

Flag of Estonia.svg eesti keeles


Payment defaults can be updated by means of Creditinfo’s credit management service. To do that, Sale Ledger statements should be regularly sent to credit management, and an individual agreement as to when they should be sent is made with each customer.

  • You can send the Sales Ledger to credit management as an XML file of the format specified by the following schema - The debtors_info_ver2
  • A separate XML schema has been created for banks - bank_debtors_payments_ver3'

The debtors_info_ver2 format

The /debtors/debtor/additional_data tag value with the additional_data_name="contract_no" attribute is used to add a payment default to the Credit register. The Credit Register also requires the number of the contract that was breached by the outstanding payment to be entered.

If the amounts are stated in euros, the sums referring to the period before the moment the euro came into use will be replaced by Estonian kroons at the rate of 15.6466 kroons to euro. If amounts are still sent in Estonian kroons after the change to the euro, kroons will be substituted with euros at the same rate, so the customer can choose when to start sending the data in euros.

The bank_debtors_payments_ver3 format

This format is meant to be used by banks to forward data to credit management. The difference between bank_debtors_payments_ver3 and debtors_info lies in the fact that the former is not based on invoices.

If the currency rate is not set in attributes of the /debtors/debtor/overdue_payments tag, the rate of 15.6466 kroons to euro is used and currency conversions are performed if necessary.

Forwarding the files

Files can be sent to Creditinfo by means of the KiDocExchange SOAP interface.

The format of the name of the file to be sent to Creditinfo must be the following:

  • <initials> - the initials of the company, for example, ki for Creditinfo. ki.
  • <id> - the unique ID of the file in the sender’s system by which the sent file can be identified, for example, the time when the file was generated.
  • <extension> - the extension of the file to be sent (XML or ZIP). We recommend compressing the files to be sent.

Example 1: a file to be sent to Creditinfo Eesti AS