KiReportExt en

Revision as of 13:58, 8 September 2016 by Vlads (talk | contribs)
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KiReportExt is the name of a Web Service based on SOAP protocol for requesting XML reports about companies and individuals. Requested reports are in XML format. KiReportExt is an extension of the KiReport interface. The difference between KiReport and KiReportExt is that the user can transmit the essential additional data for creating the report with KiReportExt.

Ordering XML reports

  1. Contact our customer service specialist to agree on the structure and the price of the report
  2. Our IT department will be requested to prepare a report by the customer service specialist.
  3. Our customer service specialist will send the following information for testing:
    1. Test user's username and password
    2. The descripton of the interface
    3. The scheme (XSD schema) and the description of the report
    4. Test-report registry- and ID codes with all possible exceptions
  4. Once you have completed testing, our customer service specialist will send you the user account with the rights and specific interface.


KiReportExt WSDL is located at



Requesting a report.

Name Type Description
Input parameter: productCode xs:string Report product code.
Input parameter: subjectCode xs:string Subject code. (Depending on report subject can be a registry code of a company, personal identity code, etc)
Input parameter: xml xs:any Structured XML input data, previously specified.
Output parameter: xml xs:any Requested report in XML format.

Example in PHP

KiReportExt example in PHP:

Error Codes

Product specific error codes

-20101 No permission for PRODUCT_CODE!

Krediidiinfo has not granted permission for the client to request the particular report. To get permissions contact our client support.

-20102 Subject code value is missing!

The method "getReport" input parameter "subjectCode" has no value.

-20106 Product code value is missing!

The method "getReport" input parameter "productCode" has no value.

-20103 Invalid subject code value!

The method "getReport" input parameter "subjectCode" is invalid.

-10186 No Report

There are no reports for this subject.

-20104 No price registered for product PRODUCT_CODE!

The product price is not registered. Please contact our client support.


No test report for input parameters "subjectCode" and "productCode".


The report cannot be generated - no information about the subject in Krediidiinfo.


Entered subjectCode is invalid.

SOAP server error codes

-20001 Internal error

Internal server error. Please contact our technical support.

-20002 Incorrect HTTP GET parameter 'name' value!

Please check the URL for the value of GET parameter 'name'. The parameter is either missing a value or the value is not a valid web service interface name.

-20003 Access Denied

No permission to access a particular interface. Please contact our client support.

-20004 Test requests denied

No permission to make requests in the test environment in debug mode. Please contact our client support.

-20005 Live requests denied

Although permission to use the interface has been granted, the right to make requests to the application server has been denied. Commonly used in development. Sometimes when permission is granted to request the test server, permission to make requests to the application server is removed. Please contact our client support.

Authentication errors

-10011 Client certificate not found

The request was made without a certificate.

-10012 Certificate revoked

The certificate has expired. Please contact our client support.