KiCreditManagement en

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KiCreditManagement is the name of a Web Service based on SOAP protocol.


KiCreditManagement WDSL is located at



Requesting events of client's credit risk management and reminder management.

Name Type Description
Input parameter: clientCode xs:string Client code in creditor's information system.
Output parameter: xml xs:string Response in XML format. XML layout is located at See an example: debtor_cmdata_example.xml. An empty tag debtor will be given in XML, if the requested client does not exist in the credit management database. (see example)!


Sending information about customers to credit risk management.

Name Type Description
Input parameter: clientCode xs:string Client code in creditor's information system.
text xs:string Content of the message.
type xs:int Type code of the message. The possible values are:
  • 13 - information for creditors,
  • 20 - information for debt collections (for creditors' collection partners).

Use the value 13, unless agreed otherwise.

Output parameter: resultCode xs:int The value is 0, if the request succeeds. If the value is negative, then it is an error code. Possible values of error codes:
  • -20201 - the client with parameter clientCode was not found in credit risk management. Client code is either incorrect or the creditor has not sent the information about the client to credit risk management.
  • -20202 - the value of the parameter type is not allowed to use.


Sample user is created for the development of interface integration.

  • Authentication method: Basic Authentication
  • User name: 30546
  • Password: soapdemo

Method getOverview parameter clientCode gives three values:

  • full - sample-XML will be returned, where all tags are included
  • minimal - sample-XML will be returned, where minimal tags are included.
  • none - empty XML will be returned, if the requested client does not exist in the credit management database.

Example in PHP

 * Example of using CREDITINFO EESTI AS SOAP interface KiCreditManagement. 
 * In this example the demo username and password is used so there is no need
 * to contact with Creditinfo Eesti AS in order to run this program.
 * @link
 * @author Rait Kapp <>
 * @created 16.09.2010
$wsdl_url = '';
$params = array('location'      => ''
              , 'login'       => '30546' // <-- username. Make sure username is string type (PHP bug?).
              , 'password'    => 'soapdemo'   // <-- password
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl_url, $params);

$clientCode = 'full'; // 'full' is demo client code
$xml = $client->getOverview($clientCode);

